
DeBaggio's Herb Farm & Nursery

Your search for Flowers begining with the letter S returned 33 items.

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Displaying items 1 thru 15

Salvia ssp. Although sages vary in height from a foot to five or six feet, even the smallest specimen adds dimension and texture to the herb garden, as well as color and mystery. While their landscape potential is important, it is in the kitchen that their culinary value is burnished. Nearly everyone knows the unexciting power of sage over poultry. Instead of the cliche, try sage to flavor cornbread, polenta, tomatoes, peas, liver, pork, rabbit--even eggs. And try a little minced pineapple sage in a salad or fruit cup. You will discover a new sage, one of the most versatile herbs in your garden, as well as the pantry. Sage is cultivated best on a site that has at least 4 hours of full, bright sun and boasts soil that is fertile, loose, and well-drained; a pH range of 4.9 to 8.2 is welcome. As spring beckons, remove the top half of each branch to encourage new growth from the base of the plant as well as from its branches. Lower leaves on sages, especially those closest to the ground and inside the plant, often die during summer. When dead leaves are noticed remove them at once. Plants may be trimmed to encourage open dense foliage to dry in air circulation. A sand mulch is also useful.

Salvia nemorosa

'Blue Hill'. Description not available at this time

Sage, Anise.

Salvia guarantica 'Black And Blue'. Perennial, hardy to about 20°F. AKA Hummingbird Sage. Violet-blue flowers erupt from dark calyces in late spring. Grows 2 to 3 feet tall in full sun or part shade. Drought tolerant. Ornamental.

Sage, Autumn.

Salvia greggii 'Furman's Red'. Description not available at this time

Sage, Autumn.

Salvia greggii 'Hotlips'. Description not available at this time

Sage, Gentian.

Salvia patens. This herbaceous perennial is hardy to about 15°F and requires some dappled shade. Large blue flowers produced during early summer for about a month are simply outstanding. Makes a wonderful companion for dark red roses.
Last Seed Source: www.ivygarth.com

Sage, Mealycup.

Salvia farinacea 'Evolution'. Tender perennial. Hardy to 15° F. Improved variety has long lasting, deep violet-blue spikes produced late spring to frost. Good container plant. Height to 18 inches. Space 8 to 10 inches apart. Sun or part shade. AAS winner. Ornamental.
Last Seed Source: www.ivygarth.com

Sage, Texas.

Salvia coccineus 'Coral Nymph'. Annual. Brilliant salmon-coral and white bicolor flowers until frost. Height to 2 feet.
Last Seed Source: www.ivygarth.com

Sage, Woodland.

Salvia nemorosa 'Rosenwein'. Perennial, hardy to below 0°F. Nice accent in the front of the border or planted en masse. Rose pink spires rise 12 inches above a compact rosette and last two to three weeks. Should be dead headed to encourage a second flush of blooms. Ornamental.


Salvia coccinea 'Lady In Red'. Annual. Reseeds readily. Initial flush of brilliant scarlet trumpet flowers is followed by moderate production through the summer and strong performance in the fall. Tolerant of extremes in temperature, light, and soil. Grows to 2 feet tall.
Last Seed Source: www.ivygarth.com

Sage, Playin’ The Blues / Mystic Spires.

Salvia x 'Balsalmisp'. Tender perennial.

product image

Sage, Andean.

Salvia discolor. Tender perennial. The leaves of this rare plant are white underneath, green on top and sparsely held along white, hairy stems. Black flowers erupt from long sticky-stemmed inflorescences. The plant may attain a height of up to three feet, however, flowering stems become droopy and may need support. This is one of my favorite plants. An ideal specimen or collector's plant.

Sage, Autumn.

Salvia greggii 'Cherry Queen'. Bright red flowers burst from purple calyxes, not in the fall as the common name indicates, but from early spring to frost. Although generally considered tender in our area, mine usually come back every year. Native to mountainous regions of Mexico and Arizona.

Sage, Jame.

Salvia x jamensis 'Sierra San Antonio'. Tender perennial, hardy to about 20°F. In 1988, a group of naturally occurring hybrids was discovered near the Mexican town of Jame. This selection with peach and cream bicolored flowers will bloom all summer long if kept lightly pruned. Height is 18 to 24 inches. Will tolerate light shade.

Sage, Mealy.

Salvia farinacea 'Victoria Blue'. Perennial, hardy to 20°F. The common name, Mealy or Mealy Cup Sage, refers to the mealy dusting on the inflorescence (farinacea means flour). Lots of colorful spikes are produced from May to frost. Makes a good container plant, growing to only 18 inches. Grow in full sun or part shade. Both 'Victoria Blue' and 'Victoria White' are available.
Last Seed Source: www.germaniaseed.com

Sage, Mexican Bush ( Purple And White).

Salvia leucantha. Tender perennial growing to 5 feet tall. During late summer, the bush is covered with soft, velvety, purple and white flowers. Ornamental. Also available in an all purple flowered version- 'Midnight'

We are no longer growing any plants. Listings are for information only. Last seed source listed after some of the plants is the company from which I last purchased the seeds. I make no guarantee that a variety is still available from that company or that there aren't other sources. Plants with no source either were not grown from seed (most likely) or the seed is not commercially available.