
DeBaggio's Herb Farm & Nursery

Your search for Plants begining with the letter Z returned 4 items.

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Zinnia elegans 'Benary's Giant Mix'. Annual. Fully double, 4-6 inch diameter, dahlia-like blooms on sturdy stems. Good vase life. Low susceptibility to powdery mildew. Height to 50 inches. Full sun. Soil: well-drained garden loam. Excellent cut flower.
Last Seed Source: www.johnnyseeds.com


Zinnia elegans 'Giant Cactus Flowered Mix'. Annual. Extra large, fully double and semi-double flowers up to 4 1/2 inches in diameter. Height to 3 feet.
Last Seed Source: www.harrisseeds.com


Zinnia elegans 'Short Stuff Hybrid Mix'. Description not available at this time
Last Seed Source: www.harrisseeds.com


Zinnia elegans 'State Fair Mix'. Old-fashioned, single and double blooms span the color range between scarlet, rose, salmon, orange, yellow and white. Cut flowers often to extend blooming period.
Last Seed Source: www.germaniaseed.com

We are no longer growing any plants. Listings are for information only. Last seed source listed after some of the plants is the company from which I last purchased the seeds. I make no guarantee that a variety is still available from that company or that there aren't other sources. Plants with no source either were not grown from seed (most likely) or the seed is not commercially available.