
DeBaggio's Herb Farm & Nursery

Your search for Plants begining with the letter M returned 34 items.

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Displaying items 16 thru 30

Milkweed, Common.

Asclepias syriaca.

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Mint, Apple.

Mentha x villosa var. alopecuroides. Sometimes called woolly mint to distinguish it from another mint called apple mint, M. suaveolens.

Mint, Banana.

Mentha arvensis. Perennial. Hardy to -20°F. Uniquely scented leaves smell slightly of banana. Lavender flowers sprout along upper stems. Grow in a pot to contain spreading habit. Keep soil moist, but well-drained. Full sun to part shade. Use in tea, salads, meat dishes and potpouri.

Mint, Corsican.

Mentha requienii. Few plants hug the ground as closely as does this mint, a Baby Tears look alike. Its tiny, green heart shaped leaves are strongly scented of pennyroyal and peppermint. It is not always winter hardy in our area.

Mint, Curly Or Crisped.

Mentha xpiperata. This mint first came to my father with a whispered story of intrigue, a "double mint" plant smuggled from France. True or not, there was no reason to smuggle it through customs; it has been in American herb gardens for decades with good reason. While technically a peppermint, it has retained the odor from its spearmint parent. It has decorative puckered leaves with crinkled edges that recommend it as a garnish. It is also nice in mint juleps and iced tea.

Mint, DOUBLE ( Red Stemmed Apple).

Mentha x gracilis 'Madeline Hill'. A true "double" mint. Both spearmint and peppermint can be detected in this one of a kind mint.

Mint, English Pennyroyal.

Mentha pulegium. This low growing ground cover with tiny green leaves comes with a heady, pungent aroma, making it a natural for potpourri. It is commonly an ingredient in homemade flea collars for dogs or stuffed into animal bedding. It is the least hardy of the mints. This mint is not recommended for internal consumption.
Last Seed Source: www.germaniaseed.com

Mint, Orange Or Bergamot Mint.

Mentha aquatica. Also called water mint, eau de cologne, lemon mint or bergamot mint after the Italian bergamot, Citrus bergamia. As the common name indicates, the large glossy leaves of this mint are strongly flavored of citrus. Dried leaves are an interesting addition to potpourri. It is excellent fresh in fruit salad. What a treat to find some of this mint in a tossed salad or in potato salad.

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Mint, Peppermint (chocolate).

Mentha x piperata 'Mitcham'. This is a superior peppermint variety, slightly sweeter and somewhat stronger than others. Its dark green leaf with a purplish underside furnishes the justification for a nickname, Black Peppermint. It is sometimes called Blue Balsam Mint, and Chocolate Mint. It is excellent as a tea and for flavoring desserts.

Mint, Pineapple.

Mentha suaveolens var suaveolens. The small, brightly variegated green and white leaves of this Mentha species set it apart. The gardener with space or a generous strip of street side "parking" may want to use this colorful plant as an ornamental ground cover. The sweet pineapple-mint aroma is refreshing on a hot summer day. Has a tendency to revert to all green with age.

Mint, Silver.

Mentha spicata.. Perennial. Hardy to -20°F. Hairy-leafed form of spearmint with lavender flowers on terminal spikes. Grow in a pot to contain spreading habit. Keep soil moist, but well-drained loam. Full sun to part shade. Use in tea, salads, meat dishes and potpouri.

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Mint, Spearmint.

Mentha spicata 'Kentucky Colonel'. The Spaniards thought so highly of this mint that they carried it all over the world with them in their explorations and trading. That explains why it is found around the world. The mint is so sweet it is almost like eating candy.

Mint, Variegated Peppermint.

Mentha x piperita. Perennial, hardy to - 30°F. Cream variegation may be caused by a virus. Variegation often dissappears or is less widespread throughout the plant when new growth emerges in the spring. Good peppermint aroma and flavor. Spreading groundcover reaches 2 feet in height.


. Unique Japanese mustard green. Mild-flavored, pencil-thin stalks with deeply cut, fringed leaves. Very productive.
Last Seed Source: www.johnnyseeds.com

Moss, Irish.

. Description not available at this time

  • Thomas DeBaggio

We are no longer growing any plants. Listings are for information only. Last seed source listed after some of the plants is the company from which I last purchased the seeds. I make no guarantee that a variety is still available from that company or that there aren't other sources. Plants with no source either were not grown from seed (most likely) or the seed is not commercially available.