Your search for Flowers begining with the letter S returned 33 items.
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Displaying items 16 thru 30
Sage, Purple Mexican Bush.
Salvia leucantha 'Midnight'. Tender perennial with velvety purple flowers. Prolific blooms begin during late summer and last until killing frost. Plants are quite heat and humidity tolerant. This ornamental salvia reaches a height of up to 5 feet with a 3 foot spread.Sage, Texas.
Salvia coccineus 'Snow Nymph'. Tender perennial. Brilliant white flowers are produced until frost. Height to 2 feet.Last Seed Source:
Sage, Woodland.
Salvia nemorosa 'Snow Hill'. Description not available at this timeSalvia.
Salvia 'Wendy's Wish'.Salvia.
Salvia sp. 'Otahal'. Perennial. Hardy to at Least 10°F. An apparent hybrid between S. farinacea and S.azurea. Grey-green foliage is a perfect backdrop for the amazing flowers. The prominent silver-white calyces and blue-violet corollas give the impression of bi-color blooms. Plants grow to about 2 feet tall. Hummingbirds seem to like it as well.Salvia
'Rockin’ Fucshia'. Description not available at this timeSnapdragon.
'Floral Showers Mix'. Extra dwarf plants are perfect for small, 4 inch pots. They retain their compact mounding habit during extreme heat. Excellent for borders.Last Seed Source:
'Montego Mix'. Description not available at this timeLast Seed Source:
'Rocket Red'. Description not available at this timeLast Seed Source:
Antirrhinum majus 'Rocket Mix'. Strong spikes of beautifully colored blooms. Colors include red, white, pink, yellow and rose. Staking may be necessary in windy areas. Makes an excellent cut flower.Last Seed Source:
'Teddy Bear'. Large puffs of sunshine with little or no colored center. Good for pots.Last Seed Source:
Helianthus anuus 'Big Smile'. Extra dwarf plants are ideal in pots. Traditional flowers are 3 to 4 inches in diameter on stems reaching to taller than 15 inches when grown in a 6 inch pot, 24 inches tall in the garden.Last Seed Source: